
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pastoral Pings ~ What Sighs Are Your Longings

          By the time I was growing through my teen years, I had become quite a loner. I was quiet, and kept everything inside me. I did not know how to know myself, let alone share myself with anyone else. My feelings had gone underground. It has taken them awhile to come into the light.

          One of the best ways to get in touch with our feelings is by praying through the Psalms. There we discover that someone has already put into words things that we feel in our hearts. We begin to wonder at the thought that these are words recorded in the Scriptures, and that they are the writings of men who were moved by God to express themselves in such shameless honesty before him. One day we conclude that we are invited to do the same.

          This morning this one verse ministered to me: O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you.”[1] Part of the reason this verse helped me today is that it has helped me before. It has become like a familiar friend that has encouraged me to be honest with myself. This morning we needed a visit.

          What this verse tells us is that every one of our longings is out in the open before God. Although we are invited to pour out our hearts to God with words as varied as those we find in the Psalms, it is also true that we are encouraged to rest in the knowledge that all our longings are already before the Lord. The NIV translates it, “All my longings lie open before you”.

          Do you feel the comfort in such a thought? Even the best and most loyal of friends cannot hear all our longings. No other person can listen as long as we feel, or sympathize as deep as our sighs express. But, when relating to our Father who is in heaven, our longings lie open before him. The sighing that rises up from unknown places of our hearts is not hidden from him.

          In this, there is the wisdom and knowledge of God that sifts through our longings. We do not need to know how much a longing is sarky or spiritual; God knows. All our thoughts and feelings lie open before him. He can sift through what is of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and what is our new-hearted desire for the righteousness of the kingdom of heaven.

          Somewhere along my journey through life, I stopped keeping things inside. God hears everything I know and feel. What I do not have time to pray, and sing, and share, he knows as clearly as if every word and thought and feeling was graffitied right in front of him in the brightest, most fluorescent of colors.

          Further along the journey I stopped worrying about what God thought about my longings. I knew what he thought about me. I am his beloved child.[2] No messed-up longings, or immature expressions, or poorly-mannered sighings would ever change that.

          Part of the marvel in all of this, what I present to encourage you in your worship of God as your Father, is that God is the safest person to see our longings. I have had plenty of people build up my trust enough for me to share my longings and sighings and heartaches and childhood wounds, only to watch them turn their backs and never speak to me again.

          And then I look into the heart of the eternal God, and discover he has time for me, he has interest in me, he has care for me, he has love for me, he has joy in me, and I never have to be afraid that my longings would cause him to turn away from me. He will change my heart, and change my mind, and change my beliefs and feelings, but he will not change his heart for me. My longings are safe with him.

          And so it is with every child of God who approaches the One True God in the name of his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

          From my heart,


© 2013 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~

Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.)


[1] Psalm 38:9
[2] Ephesians 5:1

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