
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pastoral Pings ~ On Fearing Angels (Instead of Asteroids and Aliens)

          I am more afraid of angels than asteroids or aliens. God has given us his plans for the end times, and it does not include humanity being wiped-out by an asteroid. He has also given us the full account of creation, so there is no threat of other life forms inhabiting outer space and coming to take over our planet.
          But angels? That is a different story. The good angels are awe-inspiring servants of the Living God, able to carry out powerful acts for the good or harm of humanity. The ones with God will carry out his will without succumbing to our pleas for man-centered preferences. The fallen ones with Satan are intent on ruining all human beings, but they are not actually as scary as the good ones on God’s side.
          When I read that there are four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth,”[1] and that these four angels “had been given power to harm earth and sea,[2]I realize that man’s concern of our planet being hit by an asteroid, or attacked by aliens, is nothing. God’s angels have our planet surrounded. Knowing whose side they are on is imperative.
          There is a good side and a bad side to what these four angels are doing in holding back the powerful winds that will harm the earth.[3] The good side is that they are holding them back until all God’s servants are sealed and set apart as his. The bad side is that, as soon as the full number of God’s redeemed are sealed as his, the angels will release the harm that God has promised for a very long time.
          Did I say that it is imperative that we know whose side these angels are serving?
          All through the Bible there is a picture of God relating to his creation in both justice and mercy.[4] Justice is carried out against those who determine to take over God’s beautiful planet with corruption, rebellion, wickedness, evil, and sin. Mercy is shown to those who long to return to our Father-Creator through his Son-Redeemer. All are sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God. Some experience mercy bringing them home to the image and likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
          To those who come to Jesus, his angels are on our side. They hold back the harming winds until all of us come to our Savior. They stand against the destructive force of the waiting winds until the midnight bell announces that all the elect have been sealed and saved from harm, and now the end can come.
          Whether we speak of the angels that saved Lot from Sodom, and rained down fire and sulphur on the wicked cities of the plain,[5] or the pillar of cloud and fire that parted the Red Sea for Israel’s deliverance and poured the same waters on the Egyptian army in perfect justice,[6] God has been clear that he is good to those who seek him,[7] and a terror to his enemies.[8] The same Jesus who will one day break through the clouds with a shout of victory, sending out his angels to gather all the sealed-ones of God into their eternal home, will cause the nations to mourn because they cannot escape the one with whom they have to do.[9]
          I am awestruck at the mighty strength of angels who can hold back winds that are able to harm the earth. I am thankful that they are on my side. This is not because of anything I have done, but because God has said that his angels are ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation.”[10]Since they are his angels, and he is my Father, I do not need to fear what they will soon do to this planet. Instead, I look forward to the “new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.”[11]That is where I will find the home Jesus is preparing for me.[12]
          Asteroids? Aliens? Nothing to worry about. Angels? Depends whose side you are serving.

© 2014 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~
Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.)

[1] Revelation 7:1
[2] Revelation 7:2
[3] Revelation 7:1-8 tells the story.
[4] Isaiah 30:18; Hosea 2:19;Zechariah 7:9; Matthew 23:23; James 2:13
[5] Genesis 19
[6] Exodus 14; Deuteronomy 11:4
[7] Lamentations 3:25
[8] Psalm 14:5
[9] Matthew 24:29-31
[10] Hebrews 1:14
[11] II Peter 3:13
[12] John 14:1-6

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