
Monday, October 7, 2024

On This Day: Different Witnesses of the Same Story

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Mark 1:1)


  Years ago, I witnessed a car accident where the driver in front of me turned across the road and ran into a car parked on the other side. When he backed up and ran into the car two more times I was quite sure it was deliberate! My description of the driver was so detailed (I followed him and saw him when he got out of his vehicle) that the guy confessed to what he did rather than taking his chances in court.

   When it comes to the four gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), we have a fourfold witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ unlike anything that comes out of ancient times. As various witnesses of an event will have differences because of what stood out to them, or where they were standing when it happened, but they all describe the same scene unfolding, so the four gospel accounts have differences that show they are looking at the history from different viewpoints, and yet tell the same story of the same person.

   Jesus Christ is the greatest person who has ever lived among us as a human being. He fulfills all the prophecies about the Messiah (Christ) that applied to his first coming, and he will fulfill all the prophecies that apply to his second coming.

   But he also lived among us as the Son of God. He stands supreme over all gods, idols, philosophies, religions, mindsets, worldviews, or governments.

   Yes, it fascinates me to learn the differences between the gospel accounts. When something stands out, I want to know why God wants me to see it both ways. In this case, through Matthew’s opening sentence, God tells me to look at the way Jesus fulfilled prophecy, satisfying every requirement of the coming Messiah. Through Mark’s opening declaration, God calls me to look at Jesus as supreme over every “lord” of the world, including the worst of all, my “self”!

   I often feel like the men God used to write down his words become my mentors along my journey through their books and letters. So it is that I add Mark to my tutelage from Matthew and listen for the distinct things that stand out for my Gentile mind after loving my journey with Matthew regarding my spiritual heritage that goes back to Abraham and David as much as was the case for the Jews.

   My hope for you is that you will see God’s grace and truth in the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed for different minds in the distinctions of each of the gospel accounts. I heartily encourage you to make your own journey through the gospel of Mark (you can get started here[1]), but I hope you will join me in my journey as we get to know “Jesus Christ, the Son of God” as our Creator, Savior, and Lord exactly as our stories intersect with his.


© 2024 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8


Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.)

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