
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Considerations ~ When Only a Long Sentence Will Do

          Sometimes, when my grammar/spell-checker tells me that my sentences are too long and I should consider revising, I want to tell it that I don’t really care. There are times when the deep thoughts and feelings of the soul come flowing out in such woeful expressions of despair and longing that periods simply get in the way. There are those mornings when praise rises up in the heart in such a fullness of expression that coming to a full stop is a stumbling stone to what God has been releasing within us
          I would go so far as to say that breaking up these long expressions to God would, in fact, become a fabrication of rules of law rather than a childlike cry of longing for our Father that will not be satisfied unless it can expend the fullness of whatever sigh pours out from the broken heart, or whatever praise overflows from the reverence and awe that has overtaken the soul.
          I am all for grammar Aficionados coming alongside me to help me improve my writing and communication. However, there are those “sometimes” when the technicalities of the computer-generated grammar patrol simply cannot get what is taking place within the heart of God’s children. It is then that the long green line under a whole paragraph means absolutely nothing.
          If the long-sentence-consider-revising expression is the cry of the broken and contrite heart, or the praise of the overwhelmed child of God, our heavenly Father is unhindered in hearing our cry, understanding our needs, coming close to us in compassion, surrounding us with his love, taking us into his arms, and rejoicing over us with songs of love that likely are not punctuated as well as my computer would demand.
          Let’s just say that this morning, in my time with God, there have been those moments when only long sentences will do.

          Perhaps there is a long sentence of prayer waiting for an unrestricted moment to flow from your heart in childlike longing to be closer to your heavenly Father than rules of grammar would allow. Go ahead and give it a try. You can always edit your sentences for length when you share your testimony of how God ministered to your soul when your long sigh of words came to a peaceful rest on the calm shores of your Father’s heart.

© 2014 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~

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