
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pastoral Pings (Plus) ~ The Positive Outlook of Growth by Degrees

          This morning I discovered a very helpful illustration of a favorite Bible verse. Here is the verse, and a summary of today’s lesson. Paul wrote, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”[1]
          What keeps standing out to me is this whole idea of believers in Jesus Christ being changed on a daily basis into the same image as our Lord Jesus Christ, “from one degree of glory to another.”
          I assure you that I would never have thought of saying it like that. I would have come up with something a little more negative, but still hopeful. You know, like saying, every day God changes me a little bit more from the scum-bucket, good for nothing, louse of a Christian that I am, into a teensy, tiny, sliver of improvement that is heading out on a very long road to being like Jesus. Can you see why I like God’s way of saying it much better?!
          The illustration of how God can describe his work in us as a constant transformation “from one degree of glory to another,” is that of a heat pump. Now, I’m not going to try to explain the mechanics of how a heat pump is able to do what it does, but I will state the explanation of what it does.
          In short, a heat pump captures the heat particles that are in the air, and pumps them either into or out of the house. While we may think that air is either hot or cold, a heat pump distinguishes the amount of heat particles that are in the air, whether many (hot), or few (cold).
          In the wintertime, the heat pump is able to capture the heat particles that are in the outside air, and pump them into the house, warming up our homes. In the summertime, the heat pump is able to capture the heat particles that are in the house and send them outside to play. Whether we think of this as heating, or cooling, all the heat pump ever does is move heat particles into or out of our homes.
          This gives me a sense of how God thinks in terms of the glory he is creating in us, even though the amount of glory seems like a few distant particles of heat trying to find each other in an Antarctica winter’s day. Yes, there are heat particles in the middle of an Antarctica winter, and there is glory growing in the heart of the most immature child of God. The wonder is that it is God who sees it that way!
          A ministry that has been especially helpful to me in nurturing a positive, joyful focus in life, encourages us to face everything with the mindset of how much more we could grow up in joy. This does not suggest that we ignore problems (as we cannot ignore the cold we feel on a winter’s day), but to see each other as people who are in a constant state of improvement, giving daily reasons for joy in God, and in each other.
          The point is that, those of us who have been taught to focus on the negatives so that we can make people happy by fixing them, can sit at the feet of Jesus and learn how to enjoy the smile that is on his face towards us. He sees the particles of glory that are in our lives since our justification by faith, and he knows that our time spent with him will result in our inner life warming up by at least a few more degrees of glory.
          This positive focus on even the minutest degrees of glory in one another’s lives does not mean that we ignore sin in the church. We would never put the most efficient heat pump into our home while allowing broken windows to go unaddressed. Broken windows will let those precious heat particles escape in the winter when the heat pump is trying to cram as many of those little fellars into our home as possible. They will also let those heat particles sneak back into the house in the summer when the heat pump is trying to corral them all and send them outdoors.
          In the same way, focusing on the glory in us that could increase to another degree of glory does not mean that we deny that sin leaves gaping holes in the church that diminishes, and sometimes destroys, all our efforts to grow up in Christ. It’s just that, even in fixing broken windows, or trying to restore people who have fallen into sin,[2] our focus is on how to become more like Jesus from one degree of glory to another.
          As a practical suggestion, when dealing with areas you sense are in need of improvement in your life, think of how you would speak to yourself about this in a way that sounds like you recognize the degree of glory that already exists within you, and you want to see how that could expand into an even greater degree of glory. In other words, think glory, and try to describe the improvement in terms of the increase of glory.
          The same holds true when looking at other believers.[3] While it may be easy to think in negatives like, “if they would just stop doing…” remind yourself to focus on the degree of glory that is already in this fellow child of God, and consider how you could work your encouragement to best facilitate that increase in glory you would like to see.
          If nothing else, let us seek to follow Paul’s example of thinking in terms of yourself, and every believer you know, as the present work of God to conform us into the same image as our Lord Jesus Christ, and that this means we are changing from that impossible degree of glory that is already ours in Christ, into ever-increasing degrees of glory that magnify the grace of God to make such a thing possible.
          If nothing else, here is the hope set before us: “Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.”[4] If God can make us fully like Jesus in the end, he can change us from one degree of glory to another today. We can join him in that work with our own focus on the growing likeness of Christ that is growing in every believer we meet.
          And if, at the end of the day, you realize that something improved in a relationship because you looked for glory in yourself or someone else (instead of garbage), please post a testimony in response to this blog post. I think it would give God glory to share such things with one another.

© 2014 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~
Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.)

[1] II Corinthians 3:18
[2] Galatians 6:1
[3] While being positive with unbelievers has some benefit, the mindset of glory increasing in glory only works with those who have already been justified by faith in Jesus Christ, who are presently being sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and will most assuredly be glorified into the completed likeness of Jesus Christ.
[4] I John 3:2

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