
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year 2013: Bad Things Come; Blessing is Guaranteed

          One of the most significant experiences of 2012 was facing rejection from people I care about. It’s a long story. The details don’t really matter. It is enough that many of us have experienced rejection, disowning, or mistreatment from people we considered our loved ones, so I know I am not alone. I hope that, by talking about such things, any of you who have gone through similar experiences would be encouraged that you are not alone.

          As we begin 2013, I want to share some things we can take hold of as the revealed will of God in responding to all kinds of rejection, attack, character assassination, gossip, slander, back-biting, betrayal, or anything else that would describe people we love turning against us.  I will be inviting our home church to pray through this list as we begin the new year, and I encourage you to present all your experiences of rejection to the Lord Jesus Christ with a willingness to learn to live with other believers in these expressions of his will.

          NOTE: these things are only applicable to those who are beloved children of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. May all those who are “in Christ Jesus” experience God’s help in knowing and doing his will.

·         We are to consider it a blessing when we are persecuted for righteousness' sake (Matthew 5:10)

·         We are to consider it a blessing when others revile us, persecute us, and say all kinds of evil things against us falsely on Jesus account (Matthew 5:11)

·         We are to rejoice and be glad when we are persecuted (Matthew 5:12)

·         We are to love our enemies (Luke 6:27)

·         We are to do good to those who hate us (Luke 6:27)

·         We are to bless those who are cursing us (Luke 6:28)

·         We are to pray for those who abuse us (Luke 6:28)

·         We are to rejoice in our sufferings in faith that God is transforming us to be more like Christ (Romans 5:3-5)

·         We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1)

·         We are not to conform to the world’s way of handling conflict, but are to be transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2)

·         We are to test everything in order to discern the good, acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2)

·         We are to “bless those who persecute us” (Romans 12:14)

·         We are to “repay no one evil for evil” (Romans 12:17)

·         We are to “give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all” (Romans 12:17)

·         If our enemy is hungry, we are to feed him (Romans 12:20)

·         If our enemy is thirsty, we are to give him something to drink (Romans 12:20)

·         We are to make sure that we are not overcome by evil, but that we overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21)

·         We are to count it all joy when we face such trials because we know that God is making us like Jesus (James 1:2-4)

·         We are to rejoice in our salvation even while being grieved by our trials (I Peter 1:6)

·         We are to do good so that we can silence the ignorance of foolish people (I Peter 2:15)

·         We are to be mindful of God as we endure the sorrow of suffering unjustly (I Peter 2:19)

·         We are to consider it a good thing to endure when we suffer for doing good (I Peter 2:20)

·         We are to follow Christ’s example of righteousness when he was mistreated on our behalf (I Peter 2:21-25)

·         We are to keep our tongues from evil (I Peter 3:10)

·         We are to keep our lips from speaking deceit (I Peter 3:10)

·         We are to turn away from evil and do good (I Peter 3:11)

·         We are to seek peace and pursue it (I Peter 3:11)

·         We are not to fear them, or even be troubled (I Peter 3:14)

·         We are, in our hearts, to honor Christ the Lord as holy so that we are always prepared to share the reason we have hope in our unjust suffering (I Peter 3:15)

·         We are to keep a good conscience through good behavior in the face of mistreatment so that our slanderers and revilers will be put to shame (I Peter 3:16)

·         We are not to be surprised when such “fiery trials” come to test us (I Peter 4:12)

·         We are to rejoice as we share in the sufferings of Christ (I Peter 4:13)

·         We are to bless those who insult us (I Peter 4:14)

·         We are not to be ashamed of suffering for Christ, but glorify God in the name of Jesus, the name that causes our suffering (I Peter 4:16)

          As you may be feeling, I was quite surprised to discover how many references there are to how Jesus’ brothers are to live in relation to unfair treatment of any kind. Perhaps you have more Scriptures that help you honor God in the midst of your relationship heartaches. While it may be difficult to remember so many instructions, we are always safe to respond to mistreatment by loving, blessing, doing good, and praying for those people (Luke 6:27-28). Here is a concluding verse that also serves as a wonderful summary of all these things:

Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. (I Peter 4:19)

          Whether you would describe your handling of previous experiences with heartache and rejection in terms of failure or success, may these Scriptures help each of us work out our salvation with fear and trembling since it is God himself who is working in his children to will and to work according to these very good purposes (Philippians 2:12-13).

          May 2013 be known as a year of rejoicing and blessing in the face of anything the world, the flesh, and the devil have in store for us. No matter what anyone in the earthly or spiritual realms do to us, “…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

          A blessed new year to you all!

          From my heart, Monte

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