
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Journal Journey with Brad Jersak’s “Different” Jesus – Day 57


Examining "A More Christlike Word" by Brad Jersak

Day 57

“For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.” (Paul’s concern from 2 Corinthians 11:4)

The False Filter

The Biblical Filter

The word OR the Word

The Word THROUGH the word

   It took us a couple of days of this journal journey to put on display how wrong BJ is in his three claims regarding his attempt to promote universal inclusion.

1.     He was 100% wrong that we can disregard everything Jesus said in Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats. We saw that Jesus himself taught the opposite of what BJ claims, and there is no way to reject the Word of God in the word of God when Jesus was speaking the words God breathed out through his Son, and through Matthew, into the Scriptures. When the sheep get eternal life and the goats get condemned to the fire God made for the devil and his angels, there is no possible way to say that all people everywhere for all time get saved!

2.    He was 100% wrong that I Corinthians 15:22 supports universal inclusion when the “all” refers to all believers, particularly those who had fallen asleep in the Lord and cannot be applied to unbelievers. Note: I just noticed that BJ’s choice of translation includes the bias he was warning us about previously. What is the bias? I didn’t notice it in using the ESV, and I didn’t notice it because it wasn’t in the original Greek. But now that I’m coming back to BJ’s book I see that he quoted, “As in Adam, all people die; so in Christ, all people shall be made alive”. Guess what! The word “people” BJ uses twice is NOT in the original! So he is guilty of using a translation that has deliberately added words that aren’t there, something I am quite certain he paraded himself as being totally against! And, it is what I complain about regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their New World Translation, that they add words that aren’t there! Oh well, nothing surprising in the BJ camp. But I would just add now that, if anyone bought his argument using the translation he quoted, the translation is bogus, and it totally misrepresents what Paul said and what he was talking about in that context.

3.    BJ was also 100% wrong in using Romans 11:32 to claim that God would show mercy on all people everywhere from all time when everything Paul was talking about in Romans 9-11 was related to Israel and how the Gentile believers should understand God’s work among the Jewish people. However, I again see that in his book he deliberately used a false translation to make his false claims. His translation says, “God consigned all people to disobedience so he could have mercy on all people”. The word “people” is not in this verse either, so the translation is a mistranslation, and I only know it is promoting a misleading bias that is contrary to what God said in those verses. If a guy cannot make his case showing both the best and most accurate translations, and the wording in the originals (even if tools are needed), he doesn’t have a case!

   Now that we have seen that BJ is wrong on all three counts, let’s look at the claims he makes just to see how dishonest and deceptive he is.

BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“Overlooking Paul’s understanding, intent, and argument, we began with what he can’t mean” (p. 115).

It is BJ who is presently overlooking what Paul said, even using a dishonest translation of Paul’s words! And what he infers people dishonestly claim he “can’t” mean is actually what it can’t mean because it’s not what Paul said!


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“Namely, he can’t possibly mean what he actually said” (p. 115).

Actually, BJ got it totally wrong what Paul said, so HE is the one he can’t accept Paul could mean what he said!


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“So, here we have Revelation’s apparently infernal exclusion head-to-head against two obviously universal inclusion verses…” (p. 115).

No, here we have Revelations OBVIOUSLY “infernal exclusion” totally in line with what Jesus and Paul said that are not even close to universal inclusion verses!


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“…but because we believed the Bible is inerrant, we knew the two authors could not possibly be in conflict or contradiction” (p. 115).

What we saw is that the Bible (as the full collection of inspired Scriptures) is inerrant, and when we read what was written, there truly was no conflict or contradiction in what Jesus, Paul, or John wrote about the judgment of the saved and the lost. It is BJ who is trying to create conflicts where there are none because he needs people to believe his universal inclusion theory.


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“We must force them to agree” (p. 115).

Nope. We just read them and found that they agreed. They didn’t even need our help at all, let alone our forcing, fabricating, and deceiving.


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“How? With our own eschatology, of course” (p. 115).

Nope. What I shared was straight out of the Bible. It is BJ who is forcing his “own eschatology” onto us, even using false translations that add words to the Scriptures!


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“So, Paul’s straightforward and all-inclusive statements were violently retrofitted to undergird our infernalist system” (p. 115).

What a joke! Yes, Paul’s words were totally straightforward in showing us how God would relate to “everyone who believes” in two different foci.

No, there was nothing “all-inclusive” in his words at all. It does not require any retrofitting to believe what Jesus, Paul and John wrote, but BJ is trying very hard to retrofit our faith with him as the authority who can change what is written in God’s word to his own agenda.


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“This example is especially remarkable given that it’s hard to imagine Paul making a stronger case for inclusion than he does” (p. 115).

I’m shaking my head. Paul doesn’t even come close to making a case for inclusion, and yet BJ has “imagined” that there couldn’t be a stronger case for it than what Paul said even though BJ had to use a false translation to make it look like Paul said something!

   It appears that he just goes on and on with the same lies, so I will just reiterate that there were no errors in what Matthew, Jesus, Paul, or John said or wrote, so there is no conflict between the inerrancy of Scripture and its authority to hold us accountable to what it says.

   And yes, I read his conclusion to this section on p. 116, but my fingers are getting tired of typing out every statement he makes that is full of lies just to prove that is the case. I’ll just say that everything he said in that section is bogus because he is on his cheap grace extreme trying to prove that anyone different than him is out to lunch when that would have to include Matthew, Jesus, Paul, and John.

   Next, BJ tackles, “Inerrantist Literalism” (p. 116).

   Because BJ is writing about his personal journey, I can’t dispute what he did or what he was taught. However, I will say that the normal understanding of “literal” meant what is described as the plumbline in this chart.

BJ’s Literal Sense

The Historical-Grammatical Sense

BJ’s Literalism

Claims “literal” but means “tropological” (moral of the story), his “different gospel” (from outside of the Scriptures), and “typological” (allegorical), none of which mean "literal".

The grammatical-historical method means reading the Bible in a plain manner, respecting grammar, word meanings, and other factors with an emphasis on context, Context, CONTEXT.  

BJ puts people here who ascribe to the plain meaning of Scripture as if they are stifling the Holy Spirit and missing the point of the divine and human authors.


   So, because BJ is still pushing his “literal sense” as if it is what the early church taught, and dissing the people who take the plain meaning of the Scripture as his version of “literalism”, this whole section is just more of his jargonized expressions of the same things. It is the Historical-Grammatical (or Grammatical-Historical) that gives the best sense of what the Bible is actually saying.

   After a couple of pages of his thoughts about everything, he again fails to make the distinction between the symbolism of Revelation and the history of Genesis. So, because he is misrepresenting Scripture on such important themes, let’s clarify.

BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“Similarly, when I read Genesis, I reasoned that the Bible says the universe was created in six days, well, days means actual twenty-four-hour periods, right?” (p. 118).

No, not “similarly”, since Revelation is apocalyptic and Genesis is history!

And, yes, the historical-grammatical information in Genesis absolutely does teach a six-day creation, and, as I have said before, the science does nothing to discredit this.[1]


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“And if Adam and Eve were our historical proto-parents, then Cain and his surviving brother were made to be the incestuous fathers of all people (with imaginary sisters and inexplicable already-populated cities).

Yes, Adam and Eve were the parents of the human race, just as Scripture teaches.

No, Cain and his siblings were not incestuous since the law forbidding sexual relationships with family members was not given until hundreds of years after the flood.

I have to say that, with all the good Christian creationist sites explaining both the historical-grammatical explanation of Scripture regarding creation, and explaining how the human race came from Adam and Eve’s children, it is pretty pathetic to hear somebody claiming there is something wrong with any of it just to promote his another Jesus, different spirit, and different gospel. Here are some more articles to refute this bogusness.[2]


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“And if the Bible says Noah’s floodwaters ‘covered the face of the earth,’ it meant the entire globe, immersing Mount Everest, right? Literally. Er – actually” (p. 118).

Dejavu? I thought we covered this already.

Yes, Noah’s floodwaters covered the face of the whole earth as it was prior to the flood!

No, it did not cover what we now have as Mount Everest because Mount Everest was created during the flood with both the building up of sedimentary rock and the tectonic action that pushed it up. Look it up for yourself and you will find that Mount Everest is still growing!

So, yes, the floodwaters did actually cover the surface of the planet, and the evidence of such a worldwide flood is everywhere to be seen. Here are some articles addressing BJ’s Mount Everest farce.[3]

   Okay, I’m going to try to just summarize since all BJ is doing is challenging his fabrication of a wrong view with a wrong view. He doesn’t understand the historical-grammatical view of how to interpret Scripture, which is why he didn’t dare include it. Oooops, I have to address this one:  

BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“That’s inerrant literalism as it stands today” (p. 118).

No, that is BJ’s strawman (dishonest, deceptive) fabrication of his opponent and he has replaced his strawman with something that doesn’t even come close to being literal.


BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“And any Scriptures that challenge these theological commitments are an inconvenience we overlook. When the authors or characters go off-script – when Jesus frequently colors outside the lines – we could no longer even see it" (p. 118).

Again, this is a deceptive way of making a claim about something while hiding it in a personal story, so I will separate the two. If that’s what he and his buds did, bad on them.

However, it is NOT what the historical-grammatical sense does, hence being able to find what the Bible actually says without twisting it to say things that aren’t there at all. And, the way BJ pretends the other guys are doing what he claims is so horrible, the fact that he is the one doing the misrepresenting, ignoring of Scriptures, and dissing things Jesus said about the Scriptures, and the prophets, and about his Father, is horrible hypocrisy.

   I really wish I could still copy/paste because there is so much in here he is lying about!

BJ’s Claim

Monte’s Response

“Like its modernist liberal counterpart, biblical literalism often ignores or negates the illumination by the Spirit, prayerful discernment, and obedient action as conditions for understanding Scripture” (p. 118).

But the historical-grammatical sense does not. We can leave anything resembling what BJ is describing (misrepresenting as it is) and totally reject BJ’s dishonest approach to Scripture at the same time because the plumbline approach does lead us to know the actual meaning of God’s word as far as it is clearly revealed.

   I’m going to stop here for the night. I see that he is now claiming that the early church had a sense like what he has been promoting, so I suspect this will be more labor-intensive work for my fingers to type it out. I will just say that his statements are full of misrepresentations that I have already responded to. Perhaps he will give details of what he is talking about under the “Patristic Literal Sense” which he claims will be very different from the “biblical literalism” sense he has fabricated.

   Let’s just say that, if I was a scout for a pro baseball team and I was sent to look at BJ as a prospect, the fact that he has struck out every time at bat would be enough for me to walk away now. However, since so many people are lining up for this guys autograph, we will continue the journey of exposing how deceptive the BJs really are.


© 2024 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8


Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.)

A More Christlike Word © 2021 by Bradley Jersak Whitaker House 1030 Hunt Valley Circle • New Kensington, PA 15068

Jersak, Bradley. A More Christlike Word: Reading Scripture the Emmaus Way. Whitaker House. Kindle Edition.

Definitions from the Bible Sense Lexicon (BSL) in Logos Bible Systems

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