Jesus prophesied that the last days would be characterized by such an increase in wickedness that the love of most people would grow cold. We are seeing both of those in our day. For those willing to admit it, Jesus is right once again.
How, then, do we keep from falling prey to coldness of heart that neither sins by relying on ourselves or by running with the world?
The answer is that a genuine faith-attachment to God gives us everything we need to walk with him in newness of life instead of walking with the world in the curse of sin and death.
In this home church message we take another look at the life of Noah, this time from the perspective of a faith that can stand against any world condition, even the one that was so terrible that it brought on the worldwide flood. Noah wasn’t heroic for having such a faith; he was just someone who walked with God and absolutely preferred what God was like over what the world was like.
And, since God is the same God as Noah served, it doesn’t matter how much things look like “the days of Noah,” the righteous can still live by faith.
© 2020 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC,
V1K 1B8
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