What stands out in God’s
word this morning is that everything the psalmist was able to pray about in
Psalm 25 (as would be true for all the other psalms), was based on approaching
God with faith, not with works. Even though the writer was living under the law
of the Mosaic covenant, he did not describe coming to God on the basis of what
he himself had done, but on a relationship with God that can only be described
as faith.
Here are the
expressions he uses, all of which indicate coming as one in need, not as one
who impresses God by being better than others.
“I lift up
my soul” (vs 1)
“in you I
trust” (2)
Those “who
wait for you” (vs 3)
“for you I
wait all the day long” (5)
“the man
who fears the Lord” (12)
“those who
fear him” (14)
“my eyes
are ever toward the Lord” (15)
“I take
refuge in you” (20)
“I wait
for you” (21)
Seeing so many
synonymous expressions of faith, as many facets of the one diamond, impacted me
with… (drum roll please)… MORE FAITH!!!!
Or, stronger faith,
or more determined faith, or richer faith, or something of that sort.
The point is that, churches,
with all our problems, and all the implicit memories on the edge of revealing
themselves, and all the strongholds of Satan about to be exposed (hence all the
hindrances to spending time with God), and all our sins and worldliness about
to be confessed before the Father, the only thing we need to have God hear and
answer our prayers is that we lift up our souls to him in faith.
In practical terms,
one of the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil (I can’t always discern
which one is the strongest in convincing any of us to neglect our relationship
with God), is that we need to have something happen to us, or in our lives,
before we can really lift up our souls to God. We think we need to stop being
so tired, or stop being so busy, or stop something, so that we can then lift up
a much better Soul-Condition to God.
What the psalmist is
bringing out, which I believe is the message of the whole Bible, is that we
lift up our souls to God in whatever condition they are in because HE is the
one who fixes them.
In other words, all
we need to do is lift up our souls the way they are, however broken they are,
however many pieces and fragments they are in, and just lift them up to him.
Bring your dissociative soul-fragments into God’s presence and lift them up to
him, no matter how unwilling some of those soul-fragments may be!
One of the passages
of Scripture that has impacted me the most in this regard is what God called
his people to do if they ever found themselves suffering the ill-effects of
their sinful choices. Even if they found themselves in captivity in a foreign
land because of their sin, and their refusal to repent when confronted, he
promised them this:
“But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deuteronomy 4:29).
No matter what the
people were going through because of their sin and rebellion against God, all God
required of them for reconciliation was that they would seek him with all their
heart and soul. Or, as the psalmist said, if they would lift up their soul to
God and trust in him.
Jesus’ invitation
stands. If we are those who are weary and burdened because we are carrying
responsibility for the condition of our souls, both what our sins have done to
them, as well as the sins of others, his call is, “Come to me!” What is his
promise if we come to him in whatever weary and burdened condition we find
ourselves? He will give us rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30).
It does not matter whether
we are more drawn to the imagery of coming to Jesus, or trusting in him, or any of the other
synonymous ways of saying this, Jesus will always hear and answer the prayers
of those who lift up their souls to him in faith.
© 2016 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517,
Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~ in2freedom@gmail.com
Unless otherwise noted,
Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English
Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good
News Publishers.)
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