is the wonder that is approaching my soul, that, beyond the words that spring
to attention to organize a tribute to man’s glory, there is a glorious delight
in what is not self-contained, what is not sark-controlled, what is not
me-centered. It is the glory of this wonder: that creatures could receive a
revelation from God.
it does not say “A revelation”, but, “THE Revelation”. Not only has God graced
humanity with a revelation of his thoughts and ways that no man could have found
by fleshly scrutiny, but God alone can give THE Revelation. No other person can
reveal the heart and mind of God to humanity but God himself. The profusion of
religions, and the myriad expressions of man’s thoughts about life, hold
nothing of divine revelation. Even the seemingly limitless supply of commentaries
and opinions on the book of Revelation are not themselves a revelation from
here is the book that God himself has breathed-out, the revelation of
word-pictures that God himself has composed. Here are the treasures of words
that God chose to reveal, to show, to expose to man’s eyes, and hearts, and
minds, and souls, so that we could know the God who has so revealed himself.
you not feel your heart open up to this wonder: that God has revealed himself? If
he had not revealed himself we would think that life was just about us. We
would think that the things we couldn’t understand could actually be explained by
extra-terrestrials, ghosts, and evolution. If God had left us to our own devices
we would one day appear in the presence of his judgment discovering, when it
was too late, that we had a Maker to whom we were now giving account. Instead
of leaving us to such blind hopelessness, God allows us to feel the wonder of
grace that speaks to our hearts and tells us that he is doing good things for his
glory, and good things for the delight of his people.
I bow before the divine revelation, my heart is moved with wonder. God has
graciously filled a treasure chest with thoughts from his own heart. He graciously
calls us to come and quiet ourselves before this treasure chest of wisdom and
knowledge. Then he graciously turns the key in the lock, lifts the lid, and
exposes to our waiting hearts the wonders of his thoughts.
my heart I am transported back to this Scripture about Mary, “who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to
his teaching” (Luke 10:37). The weaving together of Scriptures is the gift
of grace calling me to quietness in God’s presence. I want my journey through
Revelation to be, “Monte sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.”
do not want to hear Jesus say to me what he said to Mary’s sister: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and
troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary
has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42).
of us need go through the beautiful treasure chest of the revelation, “anxious and troubled about many things.”
This is God’s revelation, so we have no responsibility for the way he chose to
make himself known. On the other hand, Mary was commended by Jesus for choosing
the “good portion”, which was
expressed in her sitting at his feet and listening to his teaching.
We will get more out of the revelation by sitting at Jesus’ feet and simply receiving what comes from the mouth of God, than by busying ourselves in vain attempts to “go beyond what is written” (I Cor 4:6). It is a revelation from God, so receive what he has revealed. It is THE revelation from God, so look no further than the breathed-out Scriptures to know more than man could ever find by self-dependent searching.
© 2012 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, Canada, V1K
1B8 ~
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