
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Considerations ~ The One Who Stands Before the Throne

This past couple of days I have been focusing on this verse: “And between the throne and the four living creatures…” (Revelation 5:6). We know we will see Jesus standing there, and he will look like a lamb that was slain while fulfilling what the angel said about the lion of the tribe of Judah being worthy to open the scroll and the seven seals.

However, what is really standing out to me is the position of everything in the heavenly throne room. The throne, and the one who sits on the throne, is the center of everything, always, no matter what things look like here below. The book of Revelation gives such a different picture of things than what we see with our physical eyes, and so it is such a great gift of grace to give us something on which we can anchor our faith while being bombarded by the false claims of the world, the flesh, and the devil, all taunting us to believe what we see instead of what God says.

While there is incredible symbolism in the revelation of the throne room of God, the pictures are also very clear declarations of the authority of God, and of the Lamb, so that we can endure whatever we are seeing, keeping our eyes of faith on the pictures in Revelation, rather than the experiences of things on earth.

This means that we can take anything we are facing, any ways our flesh tries to interpret what we are seeing, and lay it down before the throne of God in submission to his will and purpose. There is something God is doing on a much grander scale than any of us can measure. It is also beyond our ability to organize into timelines that tell us where we are in the grand scheme of end times prophecy (in spite of what the many prophecy experts claim).

Instead, we can trust God that, whatever looks so dark and dismal to us today, and however God leads things to the final day, the return of his Son, it will be just like the pictures in Revelation had told us to believe. And so we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Lamb standing between the throne and the four living creatures, and we consider what the picture of him as a living Lamb, with the appearance of being slain, is to tell us about our circumstances that often appear to be “dead” (depressing, discouraging, despairing, etc).

The bottom line is that there is a throne in heaven that triumphs over every other throne, and there is one seated on the throne who has eternal and infinite power and authority over all other manifestations of power and authority in our world. And, before this throne, is our Savior, standing ready to carry out all the Father has in mind. As he did on earth, so he will do in heaven, But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father is working until now, and I am working’” (John 5:17).

Since the Triune God works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13), let us be those who “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

© 2013 Monte Vigh ~ Box 517, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 ~

Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the English Standard Version (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.)





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